Friday, July 30, 2010

Only You Could Be So Bold

I know it is stating the obvious, but I am all kinds of awesome. I am especially awesome these days to anyone who likes Star Wars. My sister is not the kind of girl to dress up and go bar hopping wearing a fake tiara for a bachelorette party. In fact, I am quite positive that she does not own a single dress. She is borrowing a wedding dress and the fact that she won’t be wearing pants is sort of freaking me out. Anyway, her friends wanted to throw her a Star Wars themed bachelorette party. Sure, why not?So, instead of a tiara, she gets to rock this bad boy all night long. Unless it’s warm out because the hat is hella hot.

I didn’t want her fiancĂ© to feel left out, since we’re meeting up with the boys at some point, so I went ahead and made him a little something something too. Behold, R2D2! Apparently there is a competition to see who comes up with the better party, the boys or the girls. Rumor has it their plan involves a stripper dressed up like a clown and a meat packing plant. They are definitely going to win for the most terrifying experience ever. I hate horror movies and if I ever came across a stripper dressed up like a clown in real life, I am pretty sure I would shoot him. And I am pretty sure that is legal. I’ve never heard of a more clear case of self defense. Just the thought of it makes my skin crawl.

Instead of giving my sister nightmares for the rest of her life, we’re just having a good old-fashioned scavenger hunt. I’m sure there will be some debate over who ‘won’. I just want my sister to have a good time. I don’t see how she could possibly have a bad time wearing Princess Leia buns.


Samantha of the Ojibirish11 said...

I'm your stalker, but is that just a really fat i-cord stuffed with something???? I'm having a hard time trying to figure out Leia's buns.....(hehehehe) Anyways, those are awesome and I didn't even know you had a sister, which is something every good stalker should really know about.

Michael5000 said...

Wait. Did you MAKE? Follow-up: did you DESIGN?

Kritkrat said...

For Leia, I didn't design it, but I didn't follow a pattern either - just a picture. And Sam, it's not an icord, I just cast on 15 stitches and made a really long tube. R2D2 was most definitely a pattern I bought. I still have trouble working with that many different colors...

Radioactive Tori said...

You are AWESOME! I love it!