Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Puppy update

Pint’s surgery is scheduled for May 14, but she has been getting around just fine and she doesn’t seem to be in any pain, so I am starting to have second thoughts about it. It’s not a money thing. I forgot about Bush’s wonderful tax stimulus plan so money isn’t going to be a huge problem. It’s more the fact that Pint is pushing 14, and she could be even older because I got her from the pound and her age was just an estimate. Plus, it’s a pretty extensive surgery. A full week in a sling. Eight weeks total recovery.

Do I put my old dog through that? Twenty years ago, a canine cruciate ligament surgery didn’t exist. You let your dog gimp around and if the pain got too bad, you put it down. I am not prepared to do that, not if she is otherwise healthy. But if she is not in any pain, I could prolong the surgery to see if it’s really needed. I mean, she is running around and wagging her tail and begging for food. I know my dog. I know when she is hurt and she is not acting hurt right now.

And the surgery would hurt her. It’s not like I can tell her what’s going on. So, I have no idea what I am going to do. I really hate that age is a factor, but I am trying to be realistic. She might only live a few more years. And she is not exactly super active right now. She probably sleeps 20 hours a day. At least. I absolutely hate that I have to make this decision and I wish she could just tell me what she wants me to do. Ugh. Sometimes, being an adult really sucks.


Anonymous said...

I think it really all depends on what kind of meds they are going to give pint. And what dosage.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Pint and I just had a long conversation. She wants to know why the fuck you named her Pint.

moondog said...

is the surgery easy to reschedule? if so, then reschedule for a time when you think she needs it. animals are good at hiding pain, but if she is acting normal then i would probably wait it out as well.

Anonymous said...

If you think her quality of life would be better with the surgery, you may want to seriously consider it.
Dogs are able to hide pain more so than humans do.
Do lots of research and get other opinions so you feel more secure in your decision.

Em Cee McG said...

I think it is fucked up that American DOGS! have better health care than the majority of PEOPLE in the world. Shoot it.

Kritkrat said...

George, have we ever met? Because you obviously don't know me very well...