Anyway, I was trying to decide on which movie to select next and I knew I wanted a funny movie, so I decided to go with the funniest movie of all time, Coming to America. I think it’s safe to say that I can recite about 85% of the entire movie. And while I was looking at all the movies that will eventually make their way into my mailbox I started thinking about my all-time favorite movies. So I decided to try to come up with a top ten list. Not an easy task! Here is what I’ve come up with:
1. Lord of the Rings (as a trilogy, with the extended versions, of course)
2. Forest Gump
3. Last of the Mohicans
4. Sound of Music
5. Silence of the Lambs
6. Coming to America
7. Shrek (I think this is a 3-way tie between Cars and The Incredibles though)
8. The Princes Bride
9. Glory
10. The Empire Strikes Back
Whew! I keep second guessing myself. There are about 6 more movies that were very close to making the list. But I think that’s a solid list. It doesn’t have any of the classic Casablanca-type movies on it, which I enjoy and appreciate, but I don’t watch over and over again. So adding movies like that would make me such a poser. But I’ve watched Happy Gilmore and The Last Unicorn at least 1,000 times, so maybe I am a poser for not including those. Sigh. Lists suck.
so I borrowed the third lord of the rings from my downstairs roommate one time, and I was all like, "is this the extended version?" and she was all like, "yeah, totally". and I said "are you sure?" because it didnt LOOK or smell or taste or feel like the extended versions, but she was all like, "TOTALLY DUDE." So I borrowed it and I watched it. and it totally was NOT the extended version. so I bitch slaped the lying skank.
Ok first off...you are the first person ever (i think) that has failed to put shawshank on their top 10 list of movies. If I fail to do so, i use a disqualifier and say because tim robbins was in the worst movie of all time (war of the worlds) he can't be in one of the best of all time.
other than that, your list rocks. Although, I might replace 'coming to america' with my all time favorite comedy 'dumb and dumber'. I also might put 'Heathers' in there somewhere, probably removing 'shrek'. My number 1 is 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' But last of the mohicans is easily one the best movies ever made. And then there is anything by Wes Anderson. BAAAH
Shawshank and Eternal Sunshine were SOOOOOO close. I have both of those listed in my blog profile. Argh! There are just too many movies! I dunno, now you got me second guessing myself again. Like, what about E.T., Talladega Nights, and Being John Malkovich? I loved E.T. when I was a kid. LOVED IT. All I know is that Shrek has to stay. Whenever I am sick, I watch Shrek.
And sorry, dude, I can't add Wes movies. They're just not my bag, baby! (I know, I am a freak. My friends have told me this repeatedly. I just don't get them...)
you want to see some inner turmoil about some movie lists, check this out from my livejournal days
scroll down till you reach about march 26th. I almost lost some friends over this.
Um, how could you leave Cruella off the list of Disney villans? She wanted to skin puppies!!
FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR! I LOVED that shit! I think I still have that somewhere on VHS. I remember recording it off of TV and trying to pause it for all the commercials, only I'd miss the first few seconds every time they would come back from a commercial break, so it's kind of choppy in spots. I wonder what ever happened to that kid...
wait...you like flight of the navigator? marry me? no seriously, that sucks about the commercials. My mom got us the disney channel so no commercials for me. I think i recorded it a 6 oclock, right after my daily dose of 'Kids Incorporated' and 'The Mickey Mouse Club' at 5 and 5:30 respectively.
We didn't have cable until I was in high school. God, was I jealous of the kids at school that would go on and on about Nickelodean and Disney and MTV...
PS - Did you notice that I gave you a link? ;)
oh dear god, i think i just coughed up some bile...
theres nothing i hate more in the world then the Dallas Cowboys, except TO cause im convinced that his mission is to destroy the team...
um, i hope that link title is in reference to the dallas cowboys, if no, disregard everything i just said
I thought that would be hysterical - and it was! If you can come up with something funnier, I'll change it - otherwise it stays!
PS - Dallas can suck it. Not only did stupid Terry Glenn fuck up my whole fantasy football team this year, but it's Dallas. Isn't hating Dallas required? My family burns effigies of Bill Parcells, it's part of our Thanksgiving tradition, along with getting drunk off our asses on PBR and wearing cheese...
In case you are wondering, until you change that
I hate you
how bout you change it to 'limp wristed macho girl' or something like that, anything but something that has to do with liking the cowboys
Fine. Party-pooper.
man, you changed it, what a weenie!
that was so so easy.
(but thanks for changing it, you're a doll, and a better person than I would be)
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