Thursday, March 31, 2011

My mom kicks ass.

I have been sick forever. And by forever, I mean I'm going on day 8. I get sick about twice a year and I am the biggest whiny baby when I am sick. Today, I was coughing on my couch feeling sorry for myself when the mail came. My mom mailed me a can of chicken noodle soup, a box of Kleenex and a bunch of magazines. I almost started to cry. My mom is pretty effing awesome.


Radioactive Tori said...

Your mom sounds cool!

I hope you feel better soon!

Samantha of the Ojibirish11 said...

I love it, your mom is my hero, that is exactly the type of mom I want to be someday. I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

People magazine? I hope there was at least one People magazine in there.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

That is super sweet!!!