The good: It was a good game. My biggest fear was that the Cowboys were going to make it a blowout and that didn’t happen. And the fact that we could keep it a close game without two of our best players (KGB and Woodman) and with Favre getting injured, I think that says a lot about our team. I’d like to see how well Dallas would play without d-bags Romo and TO. And Rogers did a really good job especially since he’s only taken, what, two snaps this whole season? It gives me hope that when Favre does call it quits we will still be a strong team. We are a young team and we are a good team. I really believe that if we meet Dallas again in the playoffs, even if it is in Texas, if we have a healthy team (and Harris actually steps in up a notch!) we will win.
The bad: Favre was not on his game and then he got injured. That sucks.
The ugly: I believe my love affair with Favre is well documented, but even I get sick of hearing announcers fawn over him like he’s the second coming of Christ. And even though he did not play well it was expected because he never plays well in Dallas. EVER. He’s 0-9 there. But at least when people start talking about how great Favre is they are basing it on something. Favre has proven that he is an amazing quarterback. One of the best ever. I mean, come on, he’s 500-years old and he’s playing as well as he did in 1997. But the way that stupid Bryant Gumbel was jacking off to Romo’s name last night was so disgusting. I think he’s in training to be as bad as Madden. ‘Apparently’, the Packers scored a first down? It was a 19-yard play, you blind motherfucker! Sure, Romo’s good but this is his second year and he wasn’t that impressive! Not to mention that he is neck in neck with Brady for the title of Biggest Douche in the NFL. You don’t cream your pants over a second year quarterback. And I am really hoping that one of my four readers will have a better name for Romo than ‘Homo Romo’ because I hate it when people say that. There is no need to insult the entire gay community. And I’m sure that someone creative has something better than that.

Wow... I cannot believe YOU get tired of hearing announcers fawn over Favre. I never thought this day would come. :)
I prefer 'Romosexual' myself.
Dwight is still alive? Well, wonders never cease.
I believe this "football" speak to be a foreign language. But I did snicker at the photo. Well played.
You have enhanced your coolness 7 fold with this post. I award you 10 points and will further increase your score for sending me my first taste of the into the wild soundtrack. That shit almost made me cry it was so good. Thanks Kritin, you are a goddess and I am lucky to know you.
I have no idea what you just said there in that blog.
I just reread this blog, and...
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