So, I didn’t have to work at my second job last night and I ended up bored at home on the couch watching a rerun of ‘How I Met Your Mother’. I should be embarrassed to admit that, but I’m not and I’ll tell you why. Two words: Doogie. Howser. Doogie Howser is just so fucking awesome. Seriously, the show is worth watching because of him. Granted, I am not going to TiVo ‘How I Met Your Mother’ just to see Doogie’s character (who’s name escapes me right now), but he definitely makes that show. If only he weren’t gay. Oh, who am I kidding, I’d still do him.
And speaking of TiVo – how the hell did I live without this for so long?! It is even cooler than sliced bread! Now all I need is an HDTV and I am good to go. I can watch all the horrible shit I am addicted to any time I want! No more missing 'American Idol' or 'I Love New York'! I can save every.single.episode! I can store all of Grey’s Anatomy and South Park and never miss another sex change operation or bout of explosive diarrhea, m’kay! And even as I type this, my TiVo is sitting at home, quietly scanning all the day time crap I don’t even know exists and selecting programs that I might be interest in! It’s like Chanukah every time I go home! Only instead of loading up on a bunch of shitty gelt, I get to stock up on reality television!
And speaking of Chanukah, I am planning my very first Seder this year! No actual Jews will be in attendance, but that just means I can tell all the goys whatever I want and they will believe me. HA! But I am getting pretty excited about it. I bought a Seder plate and I have 10 pounds of Matzo and two bottles of Manishevitz sitting in the back of my car, so I know I am off to a good start.
just leave the gefilte out of the equation, that shit is nasty... or at least make it yourself :)
I totally agree with the 'doablity' of Doogie.
His name is Barney on the show.
I wouldn't kick Doogie out of bed for eating crackers.
I love How I Met Your Mother... it's the best sitcom on TV. And yes, NPH (aka Doogie) makes the show.
Yeah for your first Seder! Every time I've been too a Seder I've always wished I was Jewish.
I slept with Barney. It was back when I was a law professor at Columbia. Apparently he had a friend in my class who wanted a better grade, and it seems the grades I gave reflected how sexually satisfied I was. Well, Barney took some work, but our third night at it, he finally got a B+. Shame be broke his hip...
I just upgraded to HD...62 inches of High Definition Glory
I love New York is hillarious. Now that I'm back in Texas I have about 30 hours of TiVo to watch
Becca: Isn't Barney gay?
BARNEY! That is his name. Of course!
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