Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bear with me...

I know I haven't blogged in forever. Honestly, there isn't much going on right now and I haven't been feeling like it. You're bummed, I know. The only things I have to talk about right now are:

1. I just found out I am going to be an aunt. FINALLY. It is going to be a bit difficult to win the Best Aunt Evah Award living 3,000 miles away from the new arrival, but I will figure out a way. I'm counting on the fact that we might end up sharing a birthday. My sister is due the week before my birthday, but since babies are never on time, well, sometimes, I am going to have a little chat with this one and try to arrange a duel birthday for us.

2. Harry Potter is finished. I saw it in 3D and regular D. It was my first 3D experience and I have to say, I'm not a fan. I hope this is just a craze and we can all go back to normal soon.

3. I ran into this guy yesterday. I was a bit closer than I would have liked, but he seemed pretty happy with this fish so I wasn't too worried. Living here never gets old.


Michael5000 said...

Somehow I thought you'd moved to Wisconsin.

Radioactive Tori said...

Congratulations on being an aunt soon! Think of all the baby knitting you can do!

The bear would scare me if it was close in real life but I also think it is pretty awesome.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Congrats on being an aunt, seeing the movie, and NOT being mauled by that bear.

Anonymous said...

That fish looks DELICIOUS!