My work is sending me to Yellowstone for New Years. I will be chatting up the geezers that dropped three grand to see geysers for a week. I will buy them drinks, take them snowshoeing, and soak in hot springs with them. Hopefully, I will not see any saggy balls in the hot springs... And I will do a damn good job of showing them a good time. Old people usually like me. The stakes are prett

y high too, because if you do well as a host on a smaller trip, the next time around I could be looking at schmoozing on an expedition to China or Siberia or Kenya. Not that I’ll be at my current job long enough for them to get back around to me, but if they did, I’d take Siberia over Kenya any day. I mean, look at it! Is that gorgeous or what? And how many people have been to SIBERIA? I've been to Kenya, enough of that boring safari shit! I kid, I'd take a free trip to Africa anyday, but I would really, really love to get to Siberia someday. Hell, maybe I'll just swim there next time I visit Alaska.
Yellowstone aside, I am in a December funk. I am not going home for the holidays and it’s kind of bumming me out. This is not the first time I’ve missed Christmas with my family, but when I was living in Alaska most of my friends didn’t make the trip home either so there were a ton of things going on to keep me busy. This year I think I am going to wind up completely alone watching Lord of the Rings all day. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Lord of the Rings. I have not watched it in a long time either, so I am sure I will enjoy it too. But picturing the rest of my family sitting around a tree fighting with each other will definitely get me a little homesick. I hope this is the last Christmas I miss for awhile…
geezers and geysers! How fun!
Bummer about Christmas. But I hope Yellowstone is a good trip for you. I loved my trip there.
hell yes! go girl go! ow ow ow! yellowstone is beautimous!
Yellowstone is up on my lists to go to... too bad I'm not a geezer, then I could join your exploration of the geysers! Hope the funk gets squashed. :)
Remember that AWESOME Jewish friend you had who suprised you with not one, not two, but THREE fake christmas trees that year? And then used child labor to make you and T-Gold stockings and then STUFFED said stockings and then stole the scarf with which she stuffed the aforementioned stocking. Jews ROCK. I eat CHINESE FOOD ON CHRISTMAS! GO TO THE MOVIE THEATER TOOOOOOO.
See you in Yellowstone!!! And man, I miss the SuperJew! I celebrated Hanukkah again this year though with yet another Jewish roommate--I'm so lucky.
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