Monday, May 16, 2011

Ice Cream & People Magazine

My summer is going to be pretty dull. Especially after the last few months. Juneau is a land locked capital, which means now that the legislative session is over all my new wonk friends are scattering throughout the state and I have no idea when I will see them again. Probably not until next session and that doesn’t start until January. And that is assuming I can manage to get a job in the capitol building, which is most definitely not a guarantee. As everyone floods out of Juneau, I am lamenting the loss of my much improved social life. I might be just about the only person that worked in the building that is not looking forward to the interim.

Session ending also means my new gentleman friend left this morning. I keep trying to tell myself that at least the session was extended this year and I got to spend three extra weeks with him. I also keep telling myself that I am continuing to plug away at jobs in this field so the odds are our paths will eventually cross again. That doesn’t change the fact though, that I have to sleep alone now. It is amazing how fast you can get used to sharing a bed with someone. I went into it knowing it was only going to be a short term thing but that doesn’t mean I can’t be sad about it. At least for a few days. I’m giving myself a carton of Tillamook Mint Chocolate Chip and People's Will & Kate wedding special to wallow and then I’m moving on. It doesn’t help that I have a mind-numbingly boring summer job that doesn’t start until Thursday and very little else going on to keep my mind off of being lonely. At least it is summer in Juneau which means that while I may be bored, I can still take hikes after work or fish or go out on a boat. There are worse things.


Radioactive Tori said...

That stinks. And you are right, even though you knew it would happen, you can still be sad about it.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

No more gentleman friend??????

: (